sue j. daniels author
Sue Daniels is an experienced professional therapeutic counsellor with over two decades of full clinically supervised experience of working in the post trauma-counselling and psychotherapy arena. Now a dedicated Trauma Specialist, Trainer and Clinical Supervisor, Sue has a wealth of knowledge in many areas of client work and across the board, in organisational and corporate working environments. She has a multitude of experience of working with the aftermath of families of murder victims, child death, road traffic collision, workplace accidents, aftermath of suicide, personal injury and assault, victims of domestic abuse and violence, rape and/or sexual violence and adult survivors of childhood rape and sexual assault. Sue is fully trained and accredited to Senior level by the BACP (British Association Counselling & Psychotherapy) NCPS (National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society) and having trained with Alexandra (Sandi) Richman in Hampstead, London, is a trained EMDR practitioner who specialises in trauma associated symptoms, PTSD and Complex-PTSD.

Supervision Testimonial

"I've been having supervision with Sue since January 2020. She is very knowledgeable and has been able to help and advise me with everything that I have presented. Sue has given me confidence to ensure that I am working ethically and adhering to the BACP guidelines as well as nurturing support regarding CPD and further training that may be of interest or might further develop my counselling skills."


Dawn Wilkinson

(Counsellor BACP)

Corporate Testimonial

"SJD Supervision Consultancy Services have been our Wellbeing Planning system of choice, since 2017. We were able to negotiate block booking terms, to suit the company’s requirements. This enables our staff from Leisure Attendants to Senior Executives, the option to attend professional, confidential wellbeing sessions should they be experiencing any difficulties in their life, whether that is in the workplace or at home. Appointments are easy to make and Sue Daniels the Clinical Lead, has always been happy to discuss any specific issues that we’ve had. Their work with
employee issues is held in the highest regard and in complete confidence. For Magna Vitae, this is invaluable, as it assists us in maintaining a healthy and happy workforce. I have no hesitation in endorsing and recommending SJD Wellbeing and Supervision Services to every employer."


Magna Vitae Leisure Industry

Supervision Testimonial

"As a Life Coach, working with spectrum disorders and anger management based issues. Sue Daniels has provided me with regular Clinical Supervision since 2015. Her knowledge and expertise has been instrumental in me setting up my own private practice and being a constant when I've struggled with client work, case management and many other issues. I would highly recommend Sue, you will be in a safe and professional relationship."


Lisa Leonard

(Counsellor/Coach BACP)

Client Testimonial

Sue Daniels' PTSD Programme has been a transformative journey for me after enduring a decade of abuse and trauma bonding with my ex partner. Her expertise and compassionate approach created a safe space for healing, allowing me to confront and overcome my past. Through her guidance, I've learned to navigate my trauma and reclaim my sense of self-worth. I am immensely grateful for Sue's support and highly recommend her services to anyone in need of healing from trauma.



Supervision Testimonial

"I have been having clinical supervision with Sue Daniels since 2015. Sue’s wealth of knowledge has been invaluable in continually guiding, nurturing and enhancing my skills, helping me to become a better Counsellor, which in turn has proved more beneficial for my clients. She has been a central role in encouraging me to see ways through many dilemmas and boundary issues. I always look forward to supervision knowing I will feel supported, debriefed and completely refreshed afterwards."


Diane McCarthy

(Counsellor BACP)

Charity Testimonial

"I work as a CHISVA (Children and Young People's Independent Sexual Violence Advisor) across Lincolnshire and I have been provided with Clinical Supervision Services from Sue Daniels for the past three years. I have found this support invaluable. The supervision has empowered me and enabled me to perform to a high standard within my role. By encouragement and development of self care tools. Providing a warm and approachable service. As well as having a clear understanding of my role. Making me feel understood and valued."


Clare (Lincolnshire)

Client Testimonial

The C-PTSD programme I engaged in has been nothing short of transformative. Having endured years of neglect and abuse from my narcissistic mother, I was sceptical about finding relief. However, from the moment I started the programme, I felt supported and understood in a way I hadn't before. The therapist was empathetic, knowledgeable, and created a safe space for me to confront my past traumas.

Her approach helped me unravel the complex layers of my C-PTSD, guiding me through the EMDR process and helping me to develop coping strategies. Through fortnightly sessions, I began to make significant progress in understanding and managing my triggers.

One of the most impactful aspects of the programme was learning about boundaries and self-care. I discovered the power of setting healthy boundaries to protect my emotional well-being and look toward healthier relationships. I also feel more equipped with tools to help me practice self-compassion and challenge negative thought patterns ingrained by years of abuse.

Transformation was gradual but profound, as I learned to navigate life with newfound resilience and confidence.

Overall, the C-PTSD programme has been a beacon of light in my healing journey. I am eternally grateful for meeting Sue, a dedicated professional who guided me through unwaveringly.



Corporate Testimonial

"At Ralegh we believe in supporting our employees through the good times and the bad. SJD Wellbeing and Mentoring has helped us provide support for the emotional issues we all face at some time in our lives. This support not only helps the affected employee work through the issues they face, it also helps their fellow employees and the business get back to normality in a quicker time frame then the NHS services could provide. We believe the money spent pays for itself many times over. Thank you to Sue and the Team at SJD Supervision Consultancy"


Ralegh Integrated Solutions

Supervision Testimonial

"I work in the main with people who have lost children. This is quite a difficult area, especially with such raw pain being presented regularly. With no disrespect to any clients, it can really drain me at times as I'm sure it does with many others. Honestly, without Sue's support, guidance and gentle reminders about boundaries and self care, I think I would have packed it in years ago. Working with bereavement is one of the hardest but also the most rewarding. I've moved to Newcastle now, so I've been using the Zoom system and it's brilliant for me. Highly recommend this woman."



(Counsellor BACP & NLP Coach)

Corporate Well-being Supervision

The online EMDR and Post Trauma Counselling services provided by SJD Supervision Consultancy Services have been a crucial lifeline for our traumatised staff members. The support and intervention offered have not only prevented many from taking sick leave but have also significantly aided in their recovery process. The tailored approach and expertise of the therapists have proven instrumental in addressing the unique needs of emergency workers dealing with trauma. We highly recommend their services to other emergency workers in need of mental health support, as their impact on our team has been invaluable in promoting resilience and well-being.


Tony - HR Sussex

Charity Testimonial

"Domestic Violence is tough, working with and seeing victims who keep going back to the terror they live with on a daily basis is heartbreaking to say the least. I simply couldn't do my job without Sue's strong, clinical support. When working on the frontline, face to face with the horrors that this in-house violence causes, you need to offload because sometimes it just gets hard. Every time I have supervision with Sue, I feel that I'm doing a good job and always, more at ease to continue. Fully recommend this service to all those working with any of life's issues to be honest."



(DV Support Worker)

Corporate Testimonial

SJD Supervision Consultancy Well- being service has been exemplary for our staff. The counselling and support provided have significantly enhanced the mental health of our staff workforce at some of their most difficult times. The service's commitment to promoting positive well-being and offering tailored support has been instrumental in creating a healthier and more productive work environment. Their expertise and compassion have truly made a difference in our organisation, and we look forward to continuing this valuable collaboration for the well-being of our employees into 2024/2025.


Shelley - Lincoln Factory

Supervision Testimonial

The Clinical Supervision I receive from Sue is outstanding. I knew when I first met Sue that she would be the correct supervisor for me, as she instantly made me feel at ease and comfortable. Sue enables me to explore any of my clients concerns or needs I may have within my private practise. We have a professional working relationship between the Supervisor and Therapist, which provides me with the perfect support I need. After each supervision appointment, I come away feeling lighter, more knowledgeable and being able to move forward with any client’s needs or concerns I may have brought to the session. It is inspiring the amount of experience Sue has and brings to our appointments and it is reassuring to know that she is there for me.
Thank you, Sue.


Sam P

Inner Solutions Therapy

Client Testimonial

After a near-fatal workplace accident entangled me in some malfunction automatic machinery, the PTSD programme I undertook was a lifeline. Every penny and moment invested with Sue Daniels proved invaluable. Her expertise and support gently unravelled the trauma's grip, guiding me towards healing and resilience. Through the programme, I confronted my fears, reclaimed my sense of self, and found the strength to envision a brighter future. Sue's compassionate approach and tailored techniques not only aided my recovery but also equipped me with vital tools for navigating life post-trauma. It was a transformational journey, worth every ounce of effort and resource.



Supervision Testimonial

"I chose Sue Daniels for clinical supervision because of her experience. Working in the heart of domestic and sexual violence, I needed someone who would be strong enough to gently challenge my practice, yet able to empower me at the same time. I couldn't do my job to the extent that I do, without such valuable back up and support."


Deborah Marshall

(Counselling Support)